Margaret Feinburg

I always find it hard to answer the question, “Who’s your favorite author?” I have a number of favorite authors for a number of different reasons. Lately I have come to really appreciate the contemporary writings of Margaret Feinberg. Margaret is not just a writer but a true literalist. I have found myself fascinated not only with the wonderful stories she tells and the deep truths that almost magically emerge from them, but with the creative ways in which she illuminates them. She is a wonderful writer that has the ability to stimulate sudden emotional responses. While listening to one of her audio books I even found myself almost embarrassed as unexpected tears filled my eyes because of her poetic literary style.

I just finished reading Margaret’s newest book, Scouting the Divine – My Search for God in Wine, Wool, and Wild Honey. It ministered to me in wonderful ways as Margaret tells the story of her adventures while spending time with and learning the ways of a shepherdess, a farmer, a vintner and a beekeeper. Through her experiences she shares revealing discoveries about the creative nature, loving heart and amazing character of God.

It was actually by accident that I met Margaret and her husband Leif. I was being shuttled from the airport in Atlanta, Georgia to a hotel where I was participating in a Christian environmental conference. Margaret and Leif were on the same van and I immediately fell in love with them.  By the time we reached the hotel we had already arranged to meet for dinner before the evening meetings. Right away I knew I wanted to build a long term relationship with these two special people. They not only share my earthy view of life, but they are so real and genuine. They are the kind of people you feel you have known for years after only an hour or so.

Months later I was very happy to reconnect with Margaret and Leif when they came to Boise on a business related trip. When I introduced them to Nancy, she felt a kinship with them and immediately loved them as well.

I say all this to give credibility to Margaret and all that she shares so captivatingly in her books. She is not only a wonderful author, but an amazing authentic Christian woman. I invite you to check out her new book and also her website   You will be inspired, encouraged and touched by this creative and passionate contemporary author